Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mom is really slow

I keep telling her to hurry up and post before I'm all grown up.

Well actually it's more just "hurry up mommy, come on mommy, hurry up." I don't like to miss my T.V. shows at all, so I am always dragging mommy around, but she says she's dragging me around. Silly mommy.

I am not sure what we told you last time, so here's a very quick update.

I know all my letters and I can count up to 14. I love coloring and music, especially when it comes to playing my electric guitar.

But most of all, I love to type. Did you know that a keyboard has all the letters on it? It does. It's really neat and it makes a very cool clicking sound. I love to look for the letters on the keyboard. I don't know why mommys keyboard is different than the ones on the computer Auntie Gail got me for christmas though. Those letters are all in order. The ones on mommy's computer keyboard don't make any sort of sense at all. It's not even as if they spell anything special.

I love to associate animals with the sounds that they make and I love to tell mommy what letter they start with. I know that Patrick starts with a P. So does Papa and our dog Prince, but Dog starts with a D. We were talking about all the animals on our way home yesterday. I know that Horse starts with H, but mommy and I disagree when it comes to Kat and Kow. She says they start with C's. I know what sound K makes. They start with a K. Silly mommy.