Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm 23 months

Mommy's heart is breaking cause I'm growing up. She says she loves me so much but she wants me to stop growing up so fast. She keeps telling me that it seems like just yesterday that I was born. I keep trying to tell her that it wasn't. I've been talking up a storm lately. I know all of my colors and a lot of my numbers and letters. My favorite show in the entire world is Sesame Street. I especially love Elmo and Ernie but Cookie Monster and AbbyCaddaby are close seconds.

I love to sing and I sing a lot. My two favorite songs are Sing a Song (from Sesame Street) and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, but those are sometimes boring because there are no motions to them like Itsy Bitsy Spider. I suprised my mommy when I showed her I knew how to do that. She was very proud of me, but there isn't much that doesn't make my mom proud of me. To her, I am her entire world.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Isn't it crazy how fast they grow?? WTG Patrick on your colors and numbers an such! What a smart guy!